Tomato in pieces

The use of diced, finely chopped and crushed tomatoes give an intense fresh taste to the prepared foods obtained.

Diced Tomatoes
Diced tomatoes in tomato purée are prepared by processing fresh, sound and ripe tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.). The product is made with raw materials properly selected, calibrated, mechanically peeled and drained. It’s available in different cuts ranging from 10 x 10 mm to 19 x 19 mm. It is made with sauce hot or cold break with the possible addition of other ingredients required.

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Finely Chopped Tomatoes
Finely chopped tomatoes pulp in tomato purée prepared by processing fresh, sound and ripe tomatoes. The product is obtained from the line of peeled tomatoes that are drained and crushed with a pulper 12 mm sieve and mixed with tomato purée. This product is ideal for preparing pizza and other sauces and condiments.

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Crushed Tomatoes
Crushed tomatoes in tomato purée are prepared by processing fresh, sound and ripe tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.). The product is obtained from a pulper 8 mm sieve mixed with tomato purée to achieve a final brix of 6,5-7%. It’s suitable for long cooking and high temperature so it is an ideal ingredient for the production of dishes such as Ragù, Braised and Stew.

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